Thursday, July 10

Obsession: "The Interns: Fashionistas"

Fashions the word… that would instantly come to mind when I look at the cover of The Interns: Fashionistas. Gossip Girl is on break, so why not take a peek at this fashionable, drama-filled book. This would compel to anyone with an a la mode mindset. I was roaming through the book store, scouting for an appealing fashion themed novel. As soon as I laid my eyes on The Interns, I picked it up and started reading. It was utterly alluring, completing one chapter after another at light speed. Before I new it, I terminated the entire book. Any veteran or aspiring fashion intern, like me, would completely idolize this book. It well may be an overly dramatized version of an intern’s life, but it is still amazing. I adore how the author depicted New York City. I even find myself casting actors to play these entertainingly witty characters. As I said in a previous post, “I'm definitely not a reader,” although this book totally changes my perspective on the whole situation. I am now a strong believer of fashionable reading.
To sum it all up, Chloe Walsh is a fantastic writer and I am extremely anxious to read what happens next in The Interns: Truth or Fashion. I just wish they would put a male intern is this series!
Have you read this? What did you think?
I had a huge urge to write this post right away. Please still look at the post on Teen Vogue below. VV

Wednesday, July 9

Magazine: Teen Vogue/ Amanda Seyfried

Fashion’s the word… that Teen Vogue definitely symbolizes. To be completely honest, I'm not much of a fan. I feel as if the magazine is built to fit to one type of personality. The magazine is also repetitive, photo shoot wise. The fashion spreads are recycled shoots of the past. Despite all those controversies I maintain over this teen fashion magazine, I do have some positives. is one of my all time favorites, showing intern blogs and short descriptions on editors/publishers. The website is a daily check.
Besides the website, the recent covergirl Amanda Seyfried, has an absolute adore factor. Becoming an instant star from Mamma Mia, also co starring with Maryl Streep, Seyfried has been put right in the middle of the spot light. Being in the center of everyone’s view, she always looks outstandingly beautiful. Her shoot with Teen Vogue was astonishing, wearing flowery prints, oversize tweeds, and luxe knits. With her modest and humble disposition, I believe Mamma Mia is just the beginning of her famed and successful future.